Category Archives: Featured

Automation Calculator App

As someone who likes to automate things with software and hardware, I decided to create an open source web app with Ruby on Rails that will help me determine what ideas I have will save me the most time.

It works by providing a form for a user to enter in details about how long a process takes them, how long it will take them to automate it, etc.

Users can get a quick graph by visiting the home page.

They can also save many scenarios and compare them if they create an account. A classic email/password option is available, as well as creating an account with Google or Github via OAuth2.

Link to website

Link to application code Github repo

The Terraform, Helm, and other infrastructure as code is intentionally separated into a different Github repository, which can be found here.

End Run Version 2

I decided to pivot the End Run project in a new direction. The new goal of the game is to put players in an environment where every major instrument in the song has a visual that appears when it plays. The drums, for example, have fireworks appear if the player moves on a beat when there are drums. The prototype level is complete and ready to play! I recommend downloading the windows version for higher resolution and more responsive controls, but there is also a web version available.

Download Windows

Website Link

End Run

End Run is a rhythm/arcade prototype I created during May 2014 and refined in between my summer travels. Players move once per beat toward the end of the level while dodging obstacles.  After getting settled into Austin, I chose to pivot the game in a direction that would allow players to visualize and interact with the music on a deeper level.

The first three levels are refined and complete, and can be played below!

Download Windows
Screenshot Gallery:

Offroad Bitcoin

Offroad Bitcoin was my submission for One Game A Month: February. The player controls an offroad vehicle and attempts to get it to the end of a race track that is procedurally generated from historical bitcoin price data. The focus on the game is a lighthearted exploration of the dataset. Playing the game at it’s website is recommended for updated dynamic tracks. Unity Web Player does not currently support Linux, so a Linux build is provided on the website for download.

Credits for the project may be downloaded
