Category Archives: Games

Dino Rampage (Global Game Jam 2015)

I attended Global Game Jam 2015 at the UT Austin. Austin has a thriving game development community, and I estimate at least 60-70 people turned up for the weekend. Corporate sponsors made it rain free Red Bull and pizza at various times, providing welcome refreshment/energy.

I had the pleasure of working with Tom Long, Stuart Imel, Kez Laczin, and Keith McCormic. Our game was Dino Rampage, where the player controls a schoolbus in a doomed attempt to escape a dinosaur park. It can be played here

End Run Version 2

I decided to pivot the End Run project in a new direction. The new goal of the game is to put players in an environment where every major instrument in the song has a visual that appears when it plays. The drums, for example, have fireworks appear if the player moves on a beat when there are drums. The prototype level is complete and ready to play! I recommend downloading the windows version for higher resolution and more responsive controls, but there is also a web version available.

Download Windows

Website Link

End Run

End Run is a rhythm/arcade prototype I created during May 2014 and refined in between my summer travels. Players move once per beat toward the end of the level while dodging obstacles.  After getting settled into Austin, I chose to pivot the game in a direction that would allow players to visualize and interact with the music on a deeper level.

The first three levels are refined and complete, and can be played below!

Download Windows
Screenshot Gallery:

Offroad Bitcoin

Offroad Bitcoin was my submission for One Game A Month: February. The player controls an offroad vehicle and attempts to get it to the end of a race track that is procedurally generated from historical bitcoin price data. The focus on the game is a lighthearted exploration of the dataset. Playing the game at it’s website is recommended for updated dynamic tracks. Unity Web Player does not currently support Linux, so a Linux build is provided on the website for download.

Credits for the project may be downloaded
